By trying to focus on those things that do
work in this country, we can perhaps learn something. Despite the dismal local
market, certain sectors have managed not only to hold their own but even to
grow during the past couple of years. Wine producers are among the leaders in
this fortunate community: the famous Antinori estate ranks among the top
earning companies overall in Italy .
Thanks to foreign investments and exports, the sales of Italian (and especially
Tuscan) wine has increased. However, at the core of this success is the focus
on excellence which has proven to be a winning strategy, not only for the big
names, but even for smaller producers who have dedicated their efforts to
creating a high-quality product.
The recent figures for tourism, although not what they could be – especially due to the decrease in domestic travel - are still not as bad as in other sectors, and in some areas they have been outright positive. Tuscany has become the nation’s leader, thanks to a growing effort to promote quality tourism accessible to all. The attitude of the locals has been changing and improving, as they strive to welcome visitors with a more genuine sense of hospitality and respect. This can be seen by the effort of both public administrators and tourism operators to improve their services - and the positive results are evident. Sitting back and taking things for granted will get us nowhere.
When I post all the lovely photos on my Facebook page, or promote Tuscany ’s beautiful territory, I do so not only because of my business, but because I truly believe in this wonderful place. In fact, the business idea was actually born from my love of Tuscany . But I am not living outside reality. As an expat I have had (and continue to have) my share of frustrating moments and can easily see the shortcomings in many of Italy ’s bureaucratic and public services. Yet, there are so many extraordinary things here that are worth sharing with others - and reminding the locals about. It is precisely the good things that need to become our compass during these difficult times. We must draw energy and inspiration from our surroundings and seek to capitalize on the potential that is there. Hopefully if everyone can tap into these resources, even if it is for a morale boost, there will come a day when the word “crisi” goes out of style.